be on our side

DC Riders for Peace Campaign

Stemming from our conviction that it is time to advance a new U.S. Policy towards the Israeli/Palestinian conflict that is based on genuine justice and security for both Israelis and Palestinians, DC Riders for Peace is launching an advertisement campaign urging an end to U.S. military aid to Israel. This campaign is sponsored by a coalition of  Washington, DC-area human rights groups and supported by individual peace advocates. 

The DC Riders for Peace campaign comes on the heels of the promising "Arab Spring" and calls for an open public debate and assessment of our current U.S. policy of unconditional support for Israel that has proved counterproductive to Israelis and Palestinians as well as U.S. long-term national interests. The DC Riders for Peace campaign intends to promote a long lasting just peace; advance our national interest and security; and spark critical discussion to begin formulating a new political paradigm based on the interests and well being of Palestinians, Israelis, and the United States.

be on our sideAs of 2010, the United States had already granted $61.3 billion in military aid to Israel that has yet to produce any peace or end violence; instead these unconditional funds are being used to perpetuate a hopeless cycle of violence, death, and destruction. DC Riders for Peace believe that peace is possible when we - the taxpayers - begin to demand that our government support policies that promote a genuine lasting peace based on dignity, security, and equality for both Israelis and Palestinians. By offering unconditional, uncritical diplomatic support and tens of billions of dollars of military aid we have perpetuated Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, the expansion of Israeli settlements, the dispossession of the Palestinian people, and the Gaza blockade, thus harming the interests of the people of Israel and the Palestinians. Meanwhile, our government continues to squander and divert our hard-earned taxes, underfunding domestic programs such as health care, education, housing, and promotion of jobs at home. 

dcrfp bus ad

We have put the ads inside Washington Metro Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Metrorail trains during a four-week advertisement campaign beginning on May 16, 2011. Then from November 14 - December 11 ads will be in 600 DC Metro buses. 

We hope this campaign will begin an open debate on the merits of our government's tacit support of Israeli policies of settlement and occupation, and our “no strings attached" unconditional funding of Israel. Our aim is to provide the space for constructive debate to inform, engage, and promote a productive U.S. policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on peace, security, and equality for Israelis and Palestinians and advance our own genuine national interest and security.

To contribute online through Paypal to the DC ad campaign, please click the Donate button below. Funds raised will be used to cover the cost of this and future ads:

Update! DC Riders has partnered with Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign to bring new ads in Spring 2015:

Israeli War Crimes

DC Riders for Peace member organizations include:

Media Coverage: